At Southeast Area Animal Control Authority (SEAACA), pet license fees and donations are an important source for funding essential animal services. When you license your pet, know that you are doing your part to help your local shelter workers care for lost, injured and abused animals.
We are proud to call SEAACA the current Safe&Happy Partner in the areas that SEAACA serves. This means that 20% of every product sale (designer tags, collars, leashes and Pet Essentials) is donated to SEAACA to provide additional funding for the community’s vulnerable animals and the staff that serves them. They are doing some pretty amazing things for local animals in need. Read on to learn more about this great organization!
By The Numbers
Animals sheltered
per year
per year
Talkin' Shop
What is something you are proud of as an organization? SEAACA currently serves approximately 900,000 residents in fourteen cities. SEAACA is an independent unit of government (Joint Powers Authority) governed by a policy board (Board of Commissioners).
SEAACA’s philosophy is to approach animal welfare from the perspective of the owner of the pet in the context of all components of Responsible Pet Ownership; provide compassionate sheltering at the Care Center for animals found without their owners, provide veterinarian services for Care Center animals and low-cost vaccinations for all animals in the region, and respond to related public safety issues facing our animals and communities.
What is something that makes your shelter unique? With the support of its Board of Commissioners and dedicated staff, SEAACA is committed to providing programs for the care of abandoned and unwanted pets, reuniting lost pets with their families and matching new homes for adoptable pets. SEAACA promotes responsible pet ownership by providing educational information, ensuring access to spay or neuter services at a reasonable cost and insisting people accept that their pets are family members.
What is a program you run that is really important for people to know about? The BIG MEOW is a program sponsored by SEAACA with the support of donors to provide no-cost spay and neutering of owned outdoor and indoor/outdoor cats. Appointments are made based on availability. When people spay or neuter their cats, there are many benefits for the cats and our communities:
- There are no more unwanted litters of cats crowding shelters every year.
- A cat's behavior is improved after altering.
- Altering has a positive impact on the general health of cats.
SEAACA is committed to establishing and maintaining positive partnerships with Adoption Partners and the community to place animals in "forever" homes. SEAACA’s team “rescues” animals found without their owner and assumes the temporary responsibility for pets whose owners can no longer care for them. We work together with Adoption Partners and the public to identify new homes and transfer ownership of pets.
Because of a shared mission of caring about animals and working together as a team, SEAACA collaborates with Adoption Partners that include, but are not limited to, adoption organizations (some are breed specific), sheltering organizations (private and government) and Humane Foundations to place/transfer adoptable care center animals after they have been available for adoption by the general public.
What is the biggest obstacle(s) your organization faces while caring for animals? SEAACA is no different than Animal Care Centers, and rescues across the nation continue to see more animals entering than leaving, amassing a backlog of adoptable animals and creating a crisis of existential proportions.
Can you share a story of a specific pet you helped recently? In March of 2021, SEAACA’s Field Division responded to a call for a dog that was allegedly beaten and thrown into a bush by its owner. The dog, described as a 7-month-old Terrier mix named “Duke,” was immediately taken into protective custody with SEAACA while the investigation was conducted. SEAACA’s forensic examination revealed numerous bruises and abrasions and evidence of multiple previously fractured bones that had already healed.
Duke was adored and cared for by SEAACA’s team for 10 months. While in SEAACA’s care, he fully recovered from his injuries. Before leaving the Care Center and starting the next chapter in his life, Duke had a celebration at SEAACA which included canine desserts, a party hat and heartfelt farewells from members of SEAACA’s Team. Duke has since been adopted and is living the life he always deserved. He is full of curiosity, joy and thriving thanks to his new family and SEAACA’s dedicated team.

In your words, why are pet licenses important? SEAACA encounters animals that are lost with no identification each year and brings them to the Animal Care Center. If an animal has a license, the animal can be returned to its owner, and if brought into the Care Center, is held for additional time as we work to locate the owner.
Why should you license your pet? In the State of California, every dog over the age of 4 months must be vaccinated against rabies and have a current license in SEAACA’s jurisdiction.
To what extent do pet license fees contribute to your overall budget? License revenue accounts for up to 18% of SEAACA’s budget. It is imperative that SEAACA continues to collect revenue and gain compliance for our service Cities.
How do monetary donations and licensing fees help out around your organization? SEAACA cares for animals each year at the Animal Care Center in Downey. Our ability to provide extra animal care, adoption and education programming is enhanced by generous contributions from the public. Monetary donations will support these activities and help us help the animals.
How can people help or volunteer? SEAACA is committed to providing programs for the care of abandoned and unwanted pets, reuniting lost pets with their families, and matching new families with adoptable pets.
To make a gift by mail, send your check made out to SEAACA and mail it to 9777 Seaaca Street, Downey, CA 92041, or call 562-803-3301 ext. 221 to make a monetary donation. SEAACA also has an “Amazon Wishlist” of items that will be used directly for the animals at the SEAACA Animal Care Center in Downey.
If someone wants to donate pet supplies, what items are needed most? Please contact SEAACA Customer Service Team Members at 562-803-3301 ext 221 to see what items and pet supplies are most needed.
What does the day of a shelter worker/volunteer normally look like? SEAACA Animal Care Center shelters animals, reunites lost pets with their families and promotes adoptions. Every day dedicated Animal Care Technicians (ACTs) feed, clean and socialize more than 400 animals housed at the Care Center. The ACTs are SEAACA’s front-line animal care professionals.
The Care Center also has a Veterinary Division, which provides care to the animals at the Care Center, performs spay and neuter surgeries for animals before adoption, and operates a vaccination clinic open to the public. The front office and licensing staff provide customer service to the public who visit the Care Center and call. SEAACA also has Animal Control Officers (ACOs) that enforce state and local laws related to animals, such as leashing, licensing and animal cruelty.
What should people know before adopting a pet? Adding a new member to your family by adopting a pet from SEAACA's Animal Care Center is an exciting time. Adopting a pet is a 'Companion for Life' and should not be taken lightly. We at SEAACA want to work with you to help you make the right choice for your new family member.
An approved adoption application is required, along with proper identification, before any adoption can take place. Several forms, including the application, will be given to you to complete after you have found a pet you may want to adopt. Allow extra time for the adoption process. A short interview with the adoption counsellor may be required before any adoption is approved. There are times when adoptions are denied for various reasons. SEAACA tries to ensure both the new pet and the new owners are compatible.
SEAACA's adoption fees for dogs and cats (and other pets) include spaying and neutering (8 weeks & up), vaccination and permanent ID microchip.
What is your best advice for pet owners? Include your pet as a part of your family. They have so much to offer. The more you involve them, the more you will see in return.
What is an easy way for community members to help support your organization? SEAACA cares for animals each year at the Animal Care Center in Downey. Our ability to provide extra animal care, adoption and education programming is enhanced by generous contributions from the public. Monetary donations will support these activities and help us help the animals.
For more information about SEAACA, visit www.seaaca.org